Product testing websites are a great way to get free stuff. From clothes and cosmetics to household appliances, companies are always looking for people to try out their new products. And yes, you do get to keep the stuff afterwards!
Quick Overview
You can use product testing websites to get free stuff with little effort. Companies send out products for you to review. You then get to keep the products afterward and sometimes even get paid on top of this. Remember, individual products are aimed at different groups of people, so you’ll only get to review ones that are aimed at you.
What is a Product Testing Website?
Product testing is a process that companies use to see if there is a market for their new ideas. It is a great way for them to see whether it is worth putting a new product out there, or if nobody will want to buy it. Companies need people to help them test their products, which is where you come in. They send you items and you feed your thoughts on these back to the company. You get to keep the product and sometimes you also get paid vouchers, or even cash.
Some of the most popular items that you could get to test are:
- Technology, like phones and laptops.
- Clothes, shoes and bags.
- Cosmetics, including both make-up and luxury bath products.
- Books and even magazines.
- Household items, from cleaning products to larger appliances.
You might not be eligible for all of the products because they are marketed at specific groups of people. For example, irons aimed at dads in their 40s. Most product testing websites will ask you screening questions so they know which items to send you.
Are They Legit?
Like with anything online, be careful of scams. This doesn’t mean you should avoid testing products because there are loads of legitimate websites out there. Just be careful and check out reviews of the website before signing up.
Different Types of Product Testing Websites
There are three different types of product testing websites to choose from. You can go directly with the company selling the product. Or, you can use third party product testing websites, which all have a range of different companies they work with. Finally, review and share sites ask you to support their marketing efforts.
Direct with the Company
Some companies advertise directly on their own website for product testers. It can be great to cut out the middleman because you could potentially get a better deal. The company won’t have to pay anyone a commission for liaising between the two of you. However, it is time-consuming because you have to keep actively checking to see whether different companies are advertising for product testers. Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of the top 3 companies in the UK who regularly recruit product testers.
Boots Volunteer Panel is a place for people to help Boots test and develop their products. They offer both at home product testing, where they will send the product to your home, and on-site testing, where you have to travel to a controlled environment test centre. This can be lucrative because Boots offer cash compensation as well as vouchers and freebies.
Tesco Home Panel gives you the opportunity to share your thoughts on Tesco products in exchange for rewards and free products, which can be very helpful if you already shop at Tesco. There are two parts to this scheme. The first is the Product Insight Team who test products in one of Tesco’s research centres. The second is the Home Product Team, who are sent products directly to their home. They share their reviews with Tesco. You can apply for either, but it’s worth noting that the Product Insight Team are specialists. You would have to do a training course and travel to their testing centres. Whereas the Home Product Team can fit their testing around work and home commitments.
Argos Testers is a scheme where Argos sends a select group of customers products to review. They then get to keep the product. This can be pretty lucrative because Argos sells a lot of high-value technology and home appliance items. You may find yourself getting a free Nintendo Switch or washing machine. However, applications for the scheme only open occasionally due to high demand.
Third Party
Third party product testing websites have a range of companies they work with. You sign up to them, complete some screening questions and they often contact you when schemes become available that suit your criteria. Then you are sent the product and provide feedback, just like you would working directly with the company. Compensation can vary between being allowed to keep the product and being given cash and vouchers. It isn’t always well paid, but at least you don’t have to spend ages looking for product testing opportunities.
Clicks Research

Their whole motto is ‘we send, you test, you keep.’ It is a very simple, easy-to-use product testing website because they just send you freebies in return for feedback. They work with a lot of major UK retailers, predominantly in the food and drinks and cosmetic industries. These include Marks and Spencer, the Body Shop and Sanctuary.
Super Savvy Me

At Super Savvy Me, you get to review new products and even become a brand ambassador. Since you get to decide which companies you work with, you can choose products that you actually want to keep.
Home Tester Club

Home Tester Club has more than 4 million members who all take part in testing products and sharing reviews. They work with companies that create anything from hair dye to home appliances. If you sign up, you’ll get sent products in the post for free and you get to keep them. In exchange, you provide an honest review of the product.
Review-and-share websites work a little bit differently. Instead of providing feedback on the product directly to the company, you’ll be asked to take part in word-of-mouth marketing. Essentially, you’ll post on social media, online review sites and share the product with your friends and family. In exchange, you get to keep the product or earn cash and vouchers.
Savvy Circle
Savvy Circle asks you to become an ambassador for the companies they partner with. You get free products in exchange for sharing your experiences with friends and family. They work with a lot of cosmetics and cleaning companies, like Flash, Olay, Always and Fairy.
Trnd call themselves an interactive marketing circle and are similar to Savvy Circle. You are sent free products to try out. Then you share your opinion of them with your network, actively marketing the product.
Toluna is a little different. They do send out products, but a lot of their offers are for completing surveys in exchange for points. You can turn these points into cash or gift cards. Toluna work with some of the world’s most well-known brands, including Amazon and PayPal.
Final Thoughts
Product Testing Websites are a great way of getting freebies for simply providing feedback. You can have the products you love sent straight to your door for very minimal work. This is flexible; you can schedule it around your lifestyle. So, it is popular with students and stay-at-home parents.
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