How Does My Salary Compare To The UK Average – Region, Age & More

James Beattie By James Beattie 4 Min Read

Knowing how good your salary is compared to the rest of the UK can be confusing. There are a lot of variables that come into play such as your region, age, and living circumstances.

Choose your salary below and find out how good it is compared to the UK average based on region, age and more.

Choose Your Salary

What Is The Average Salary In The UK?

When examining the standard wage in the UK, it’s beneficial to consider both mean and median calculations. However, to get a more accurate depiction of the typical salary, the median approach is generally preferred. The median salary is determined by identifying the central value among all full-time income earners in the UK.

When you use the mean data can get skewed by outliers who have extremely high or extremely low earnings.

Median Average Salary In The UK 2023

The median average salary in the UK for full-time workers is £640 per week or approximately £33,280 per year based on the ONS Statistics.

Average UK Salary By Region 2023

A persons location in the UK plays a significant role on the average salary. Areas such as Northern Ireland and the North East have average salaries around £30k per year. Areas such as London have an average salary of £41,866 per year.

Below you can see the breakdown of average salaries in the UK based in region. London has the highest average salary while the North East has the lowest.

Generally, a higher average salary area also has a higher cost of living meaning that your money may not go as far in certain areas.

Median-Average-Salary by region

Average UK Salary By Age 2023

Below you can see the average salary by age in the UK based on the latest ONS statistics. You can use these numbers to see how your salary compares to other people in your age group.

From this data we can see that the average wage rises until people reach their 40s where they are in their peak earning years. From 50+ the average salary starts to drop again.

AgeMedian Average Yearly

Final Thoughts

Now you know a little more about the average salaries in the UK based on age and region you can take a deep dive into your salary range by selecting it at the top of this post.

There we look at how your salary compares to others in the UK as well as looking at how you can make the most out of the salary you are on through budgeting and following some simple financial principles.

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I'm passionate about personal finance and making money. Currently trying to FIRE solely by building online assets. Grew my stock portfolio to £86,000 by 26.
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